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Sell Me This Artificial Pen: Using ChatGPT To Enhance Sales Role Plays

Sell Me This Artificial Pen: Using ChatGPT To Enhance Sales Role Plays

Milovic, A., Das Gyomlai, M., Spaid, B., & Dingus, R. (2024). Sell Me This Artificial Pen: Using ChatGPT To Enhance Sales Role Plays. Marketing Education Review, 34(2), 137-143.

Consumer collecting identity and behaviors: underlying motivations and impact on life satisfaction

Consumer collecting identity and behaviors: underlying motivations and impact on life satisfaction

Spaid, B., & Matthes, J. (2021). Consumer collecting identity and behaviors: underlying motivations and impact on life satisfaction. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 38(5), 552-564.

The upside of showrooming: How online information creates positive spill-over for the brick-and-mortar retailer

The upside of showrooming: How online information creates positive spill-over for the brick-and-mortar retailer

Spaid, B. I., O’Neill, B. S., & Ow, T. T. (2019). The upside of showrooming: How online information creates positive spill-over for the brick-and-mortar retailer. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 29(4), 294-315.

Exploring consumer collecting behavior: a conceptual model and research agenda

Exploring consumer collecting behavior: a conceptual model and research agenda

Spaid, B. I. (2018). Exploring consumer collecting behavior: a conceptual model and research agenda. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 35(6), 653-662.

Trust and Experience in Online Auctions

Trust and Experience in Online Auctions

Ow, T. T., Spaid, B. I., Wood, C. A., & Ba, S. (2018). Trust and experience in online auctions. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 28(4), 294-314.

Tell It Like It Is: The Effects Of Differing Responses To Negative Online Reviews

Tell It Like It Is: The Effects Of Differing Responses To Negative Online Reviews

Esmark Jones, C. L., Stevens, J. L., Breazeale, M., & Spaid, B. I. (2018). Tell it like it is: The effects of differing responses to negative online reviews. Psychology & Marketing, 35(12), 891-901.

Exploring the sources of design innovations: Insights from the computer, communications and audio equipment industries

Exploring the sources of design innovations: Insights from the computer, communications and audio equipment industries

Dan, S. M., Spaid, B. I., & Noble, C. H. (2018). Exploring the sources of design innovations: Insights from the computer, communications and audio equipment industries. Research Policy.

Timeliness, Transparency, and Trust: A Framework for Managing Online Customer Complaints

Timeliness, Transparency, and Trust: A Framework for Managing Online Customer Complaints

Stevens, J. L., Spaid, B. I., Breazeale, M., & Esmark Jones, C. L. E. (2018). Timeliness, transparency, and trust: A framework for managing online customer complaints. Business Horizons, 61(3), 375-384.

The Meaning of Shopping Experiences Augmented by Mobile Internet Devices

The Meaning of Shopping Experiences Augmented by Mobile Internet Devices

Spaid, B. I., & Flint, D. J. (2014). The meaning of shopping experiences augmented by mobile internet devices. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 22(1), 73-90.

Profiting from Our Past: Evoking Nostalgia in the Retail Environment

Profiting from Our Past: Evoking Nostalgia in the Retail Environment

Spaid, B. I. (2013). Profiting from our past: evoking nostalgia in the retail environment. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 23(4), 418-439.

Service failure and recovery in using technology-based self-service: effects on user attributions and satisfaction

Service failure and recovery in using technology-based self-service: effects on user attributions and satisfaction

Dabholkar, P. A., & Spaid, B. I. (2012). Service failure and recovery in using technology-based self-service: effects on user attributions and satisfaction. The Service Industries Journal, 32(9), 1415-1432.


Department of Marketing

College of Business Administration

Marquette University

1530 W. Wisconsin Ave
Milwaukee, WI 53233

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© 2024 Brian I. Spaid

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