Service failure and recovery in using technology-based self-service: effects on user attributions and satisfaction
This study examines service failure and recovery in using technology-based self-service (TBSS) systems to determine the effects of a variety of relevant factors on negative customer/user attributions to the service provider, to employees who try to help in recovery, and to the technology itself, as well as the effects on customer/user satisfaction with the failure/recovery experience. The findings show that immediate recovery of TBSS failures reduces negative attributions and increases customer/user satisfaction with the experience, as does a low-anxiety environment around the kiosk. Technology error (as opposed to user error) decreases user satisfaction. Employee assistance decreases negative attributions to the employee but increases negative attribution to the technology. Some interactions were found among the experimental factors that are also meaningful.
Dabholkar, P. A., & Spaid, B. I. (2012). Service failure and recovery in using technology-based self-service: effects on user attributions and satisfaction. The Service Industries Journal, 32(9), 1415-1432.