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Brian I. Spaid, PhD

Brian I. Spaid, PhD

Chair & Associate Professor of Marketing

  • Liknedin

I am chair of the marketing department and associate professor of marketing at Marquette University's College of Business Administration. 

Research Interests

My research focuses on the intersection of consumer behavior, technology, and retailing. Specifically, my research examines the impact of mobile devices and technology-based self-service in the retail environment and I also have a keen interest in consumer collecting behavior. My work has been published in many marketing and technology journals including Research Policy, Psychology & Marketing, Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, Service Industries Journal, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice; Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice; and Marketing Education Review.


Milovic, A., Das Gyomlai, M., Spaid, B., & Dingus, R. (2024). Sell Me This Artificial Pen: Using ChatGPT To Enhance Sales Role Plays. Marketing Education Review, 34(2), 137-143.

Spaid, B., & Matthes, J. (2021). Consumer collecting identity and behaviors: underlying motivations and impact on life satisfaction. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 38(5), 552-564.

Spaid, B. I., O’Neill, B. S., & Ow, T. T. (2019). The upside of showrooming: How online information creates positive spill-over for the brick-and-mortar retailer. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 29(4), 294-315.


Department of Marketing

College of Business Administration

Marquette University

1530 W. Wisconsin Ave
Milwaukee, WI 53233

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